Cordyline Electric Star™
Upright arching clump
Growth height
Growth width
Pot size
Grow time
16-25 weeks
Garden and Patio
Suitable for zones 1, 2 and 3
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Once well established after planting, Electric Star is extremely heat tolerant withstanding temperatures in excess of 40 degrees Celsius. It is cold hardy to 5 degrees Celsius. Below 0°C, the foliage will die back with regrowth from the stem base dependant on the amount of protection provided to the roots, and the age of the plant.
This Cordyline banksii generates multiple shoots to form a clump of green and chocolate striped leaves. Compared to Cordyline australis varieties which can grow in excess of 3 m tall, Electric Star only grows to 1.2m in height.
Unauthorised commercial propagation or any sale, conditioning, export, import or stocking of propagating material of this variety is an infringement under the Plant Breeders Rights Act 1994. SPRILECSTAR is the variety name of trade name Electric Star™. SPRILECSTAR is under application for Plant Patents and Plant Breeders Rights worldwide.
Design Edge® and Electric Star™ are Trade Marks of Sprint Horticulture Pty Ltd